Since becoming an online maths tutor, it has been my privilege to work with a wide range of home educated students. From students who have been failed by the school system, students who aren’t able to attend due to ill health, and students who choose home ed for its benefits and flexibility. This diverse range of talented young people have been a pleasure to support.
No two students are alike so each student benefits from a syllabus tailored to their needs. I am experienced in tutoring GCSE Maths – AQA/Edexcel/OCR and IGCSE Maths – Edexcel 4MA1 at both higher and foundation level.
Group Classes for Home Educated Students
My group classes support both GCSE and IGCSE maths and focus on exam preparation and technique. Classes are weekly and students are grouped by ability, exam year and if they are studying GCSE/IGCSE. Optional homework is provided after each session and students have the choice to take part in assessments at key points in the academic year.
Group classes for home educated students start from £18 per lesson. If you’d like to find out more please enquire today.

One to One Home Ed Support
One to one support can be fully customisable depending on the needs of the student. I am confident both supporting a student’s home study, preparing the student for exams, or planning and delivering the whole content of the course. Briefs from this year include – helping a gifted musician pass GCSE maths early to free them up for further music study, supporting academy footballers to achieve their targets, and rebuilding a students confidence after years of ill health had stopped them attending school.
I am able to advise on exam centres and exam boards for GCSE/IGCSE, help provide evidence for a student’s access requirements, and either complement self study and existing lessons or provide all instruction and homework.
One to one classes for home educated students start from £35 per lesson. One to one spaces are very limited. Please enquire today to find out more.